Thanks to support from the American Institute of Physics and the Duke of Devonshire’s Charitable Trust, Chatsworth's Archive and Library team is cataloguing the papers of Henry Cavendish (1731-1810).
Project archivist, Erinna Cave, will share her discoveries over the coming year in a series of blogs.
The Chatsworth House Trust (registered charity 511149) is dedicated to looking after the house, collections, garden, parkland and woodlands for the benefit of everyone.
All income from ticket sales, Gift Aid, our Chatsworth Friends and Patrons programmes, partners, sponsors and funders goes directly to the charity and is reinvested in the upkeep, preservation and improvement of Chatsworth, our learning programme and essential conservation work.
Chatsworth holds an extensive archive that includes the personal papers of the Devonshire family, historically significant acquisitions, and estate and staff records. The charity funds the preservation, restoration and cataloguing of these papers, sharing the findings to advance our understanding of historical figures, events and places, and to make them available to anyone conducting research for academic or personal reasons. Find out more about our archives and library.
Learn more about Chatsworth House Trust, or make a secure online donation to support the work of the charity, using the links below.
About Chatsworth House Trust
Chatsworth House Trust is a registered charity established in 1981 to improve and maintain the house, collections, garden, woodlands and park for the benefit of everyone.
Support our Cascade Campaign
The Cascade has been delighting visitors to Chatsworth since 1696 but is now in need of urgent repair. Learn more about our fundraising campaign 'Celebrating the Cascade'.
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