The Chatsworth estate is tended to by a landscape team comprising full-time staff and part-time volunteers. 

Their primary duty is to preserve the 1000-acre parkland and 400-acre medieval Stand Wood for future generations to enjoy.

They carry out a wide range of tasks throughout the year, including maintaining footpaths and roads, managing water for the lakes and drainage systems that feed the garden's water features, controlling invasive and non-native species, planting new trees, and maintaining local villages.

Additionally, they are actively involved in projects to create more space for nature on the estate.

Recently, they have improved access around Stand Wood with a variety of marked footpaths and have restored three historical footpaths that had become overgrown over the years.

About Chatsworth House Trust

As a registered charity, Chatsworth House Trust, all income from ticket sales, Gift Aid, donations and membership schemes is reinvested in the upkeep, preservation and improvement of Chatsworth, including its parkland, woodlands, garden, house and collections. 

The parkland and Stand Wood are available for all to enjoy, all year round and for free.  If you are able, please consider supporting our charity by visiting us, joining our popular Chatsworth Friends and Patrons schemes or making a regular or one-off online donation.

Memorial Trees

The Warren Tree Planting Project has been established to create a new native woodland on the Chatsworth Estate. There is an opportunity to make a donation to the project in memory of a loved one and record their name in a bound Memorial Book held at St Peter's Church in Edensor. Further details are available here

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